Saturday, March 1, 2008


my paediatric tasks all done!cume tinggal nak type jer..history pon kene type?tah pape jer..n aha!i got my opd with Dr.Murphy, in neonatal clinic dekat jer..ngeee...and together with connor n onia..hehe..connor reject tapi onia best..hehhe..
ive submitted my bank draft to Dr.James already and i did ask him a stupid question,
"Im sorry but im still curious about sumting", me.
"Yeap.What is it?", Dr.James while busy examined a baby.
" there any consequences if i fail the exam?"me.
"ahhaha..noo..of course not.its not a compulsory exam. It just that only someone who have high confident enter this competition. The questions r tricky. U can look it urself in the internet. They do have a few sample of questions.The only consequence that u will get is u wont get ur deposit back if u dont sit for the exam"Dr james.
"owh..ok.orait then.thanks a million. Owh anyway, do i need to fill any form or anything?"myself.
"nahh...its alright.ill do it for u."Dr.James.
Ngeee..yelah takut la cuz emma did tell me for usmle diorg dapat letter from HSE(health service executive) cakap if diorg failed the exam diorg kene repeat year..sebab tu emma x amik..rasenye beto gak r sebab ramai je irish berhijrah ke us n australia so by threatening all the medical students from taking the usmle diorg dapat mengurangkan penghijrahan drs irish to us/australia..ngeeeee...
owh sape2 yg suke melepak..silalah tengok cite hana yori dango. Sangat best!!hehe...standard best macam my boss my hero..hehe..tapi maybe gak sebab heroes die hensem2 sume..ngeeee...ade sorang mamat tu die belakon dalam cite summer snow..dalam cite summer snow rambut die biase je so xdela nampak hensem sangat but dalam cite hana yori dango rambut die kaler brown n stylo n mmg hensem la...hahaha..tapi body die x cukup hot la..ngeeeeeeee......

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