Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ok hari ni not that bad..at least ade org belanje lunch..worth 6.50euro..hahaha..Dr.D treat me for lunch today-veggie bagel n a cup of coffee..xsedap pon..nak termuntah makan..haha tapi org belanje so makan je la..tapi lambat gile makan..haha..xabis pon..last2 cakap kat dr d if die nak pegi dulu die pegila..sebenarnye nak suruh die cepat2 pegi so that i can put that food aside..kang x abis kang die terasa lak..same goes with this morning bfast..the omlet was too salty that i cant even finish it..she put too much cheddar cheese on top of it..and thats maybe the reason for the salty omlet..xsedap..huhu..n bfast not as great as last week..same macam internet...dah xde buah dah..cereal pon very limited..everything is limited...owh pakcik tom napekah kamu pegi spain..=(..tadi complaint kat his daughter about the internet n die bukannye nak repairkan..cam pakcik tu siap tanye lagi how was the internet and makcik ni die suruh pegi internet cafe.cest betol..
owhhh hahaha tadi saye terpeluk pakcik D..DR.D..hahaha..TER ok..ade satu nursing home ni die ade anjing.comel sangat tapi saye kan anjing phobic.(kene try encounter ni..rasenye dengan beli anak patung anjing which looks like a real dog)..anyway masa dengar dr.D explain about the drugs anjing ni tetibe datang n nak main2...huish melompat n terpeluk la dr.D itu..lalala..dulu pon penah peluk makcik di tengah2 jalan sebab anjing kejar..lalala...pakcik d tu gelak jer..hahaha..pastu nurse tu terus bawak g luar..hehe..pastu die masuk lagi sekali..pastu nurse lain lak bawak keluar n she told me to get used of it..hahha...saye xde r takut sangat tapi fikir nak samak satu keje la pulak kan..huhu

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