Thursday, February 21, 2008


lalala..saye dalam groupmates asked me to join them 2nite to the pub n nightclub but i dont knw whether i should go or shouldnt go...macam nak pegi lepak2 ngan diorg sebab esok start kul 10am pon n ari ni abis awal n xpenat sangat pon tapi macam xnak pegi sebab kalau pegi confirm kene pakai duit sket n confirm balik lmbt...lagipon xde baju pon nak pegi...tapi kalau x pegi nanti diorg cam terasa lak cuz breda n onia cam beriya ajak..laura cam badmood sket ari ni cuz wallet die ilang tapi dh jumpe dok dalam kete breda n lepas jumpe wallet, hset die ilang..lepas jumpe hset duit baki die lunch tadi ilang pastu xjumpe2 sampai la die punye mood xde la ok as semalam...hehe tapi breda kelaka la..pastu tadi keji ok..tadi we went to the operation theathre and xde size kecik for baju..sume xl...n sangat besar la..pastu berdiri lak sebelah breda n sebab sangat besar rase x selesa la..yelaaaaa dah la short sleeve kan..pastu dada terbukak tambah2 xl double terbukak la kan...pastu asek betolkan baju je la ari ni..pastu sebab berdiri lepas breda kene kutuk ngan nurse lelaki..die cakap oooo what a nice couple there...hahahahhaha...pastu breda pon peluk laaaa sambil cakap, "owh this is my daughter"..hahahhaa...ok breda tu sangat2 tinggi...saye di bawah breast level die ok!sangat2 pendek saye ini..hahahaha..pastu die suruh breda kasi baju breda kat saye..hahaha..breda cakap la same size jer..hahaha..cume nampak ok sebab breda tinggi n besar..hehehe..jahat gile dah la gelak2...jahatness..lalalala...owh n ari ni saye lagi sekali menjadi target!!!!!arghh!!huhu..die cakap al acoustic neuroma and then i tried to answer few questions..pastu sampai what the symptoms kiteorg cakap la deafness..die cakap more than that..
so we answered it as "unilateral deafness"
he replied, "no..its not that.more than that"
haahahaha dah abis idea dah la..then laura kot cakap
"unilateral progressive deafness"
"more than that"he replied.
n kiteorg dh tak tau nak jawab ape dah la...sume diam..n he keep on staring at us..lepas sorang, sorang..pastu i tried je la gamble jawab
"unilateral progressive sensorineural deafness"
"yeah thats correct.."..hahaha..bapak la...xdenye kiteorg nak hafal n jawab lengkap camtu..hahaha..naseb baekbetol..hahaha...pastu die tanye what test can be done to confirm the diagnosis"
pastu kiteorg cakap romberg manouvere bla bla...pastu die cakap no.there's sumting else..onia u should know that..its cow..
(onia jawab bovine cough smalam n die ade farm so selalu la target onia sal cow2 ni)
for that moment i thought its cow la..cow as if lembu la..hahaha..n sume pon ingat lembu la..but die cakap cow..cow...lallaa..tapi sume xleh jawab,..then die cakap cold...pastu teka la ape yg saye fikir time ingat die nak cakap lembu tu ade cold..hahahahhaa....pastu dalam otak terfikir lembu pon boleh ade cold jugak ke...hahaha..pastu die tambah lagi..water...and so dengan sepantas kilat jawapan datang tapi x berani jawab sampai die stare dengan penuh fokus on my face..tatkala itu lantas mengeluarkan jawapan sambil membuat facial expression yg sangat annoying..
"caloric test is it"
n die diam je dulu kejap..pastu baru die cakap..yeah definitely caloric test..thats y i told u about cow...n seriously on that time saye xfaham nape la die nak kaitkan caloric test ngan cow...rupenyeeeee mneumonic!!!!COWS!!!
C-cold, o-opposite, w-warm, s-same
hahahha...lalalala...nystagmus itu kalau taruk cold water die akan move to opposite site n kalau warm to the same side...lalala..abis utk pagi tu..hehehe..pastu petang tu pulak die first2 lagi kene target jadi patient while si laura jadi "ent surgeon"..pstu berlakon..pastu lepas abis yg tu..die tanye ok aina tell me about benign paroxysmal positional vertigo..lalalalalala..naseb baek dh jawab tapi cam dh banyak jawab die keep on staring lago..pastu cam xtau ape yg kurang..hahahhaa..dah xtau nak jawab ape pon..rupenye incidence xcakap..hahaha...i just told him it is quite common..hahaha.die nak kalau die tanye questions kene cakap everything...10 things altogether...
Definition, Incidence, Aetiology, Pathology, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Investigation, Treatment n Prognosis...hahahha...ok selamat..
p/s :-ok nak pegi ke x?to go or not to go?..aju cakap pegila..sekali sekala jer..hehehe...tapi kene pandai jaga diri..ngeh2..lalalalal...
anyway, halal food kat kgh ni ade tuesday n thursday je..tadi dengan penuh harapan pegi makan kat cafe sekali tanye xde..hahaha...sedih..kene makan scone lagi..hahahaha


Anonymous said...

uuuuu...mantap gills ko na!!klau aku,cm terus terdiam la kan..wahaha..cool2!!

Witty Angel said...

hahahahaha..aku main taram jeeeee..hahahaahha