owh..not feeling ok.huhu..i think that pakcik ade sedikit racism la..i dont knw..maybe saye je terperasan lebih tapi die suke tau kalau cakap die akan pandang 3 irish gurls len tu n kalau tanye soalan je baru pandang my face..huhu..sampai tadi dah fed-up..i was with onia in the clinic and attached with him and die macam each time die cakap die akan pandang onia jer...cam xbest la...rase sedikit pelik..xde la nak suruh die pandang my face jer but as if i wasnt exist there?bosan jer..uhu...xper..esok je lagi..esok kene present orbital cellulitis and thats it..i have enuf of ENT...boringggg pleaseeee...owh n luckily i didnt follow them last night..they just came back to bnb at 330am and confirm2 r pengsan on that time..they went to several pubs...huhu....n tadi petang tutorial with mr riaz, sebab he did all the talking cam banyak la mengelamun..3 kali kantoi ngan die ngah mengelamun..hahahhaa..siap kene perli lagi
"are u planning for ur weekend already?"
hahahha..ngok ngek..hahaha..but breda was hilarious just now..die ngarut jer jawab..hehe..when he asked about drainage of absess/quinsy die cakap head down, make the incision and the pus will b drained, sambil menggayakan mende2 tersebut..pakcik tu gelak la..hehee..agak ngarut la..hehee..pstu satu lagi die tanye what are the 5 arteries supply the nose..hahaha..kene tanye saye dulu confirm xtau n main tibai "anterior nasal septal artery"..hahaha..mane la wujud..pastu laura pon xtau tapi die suruh give a try and she said "posterior nasal artery"..hahaha..n salah...onia pon teka salah gak n breda teka zygmatic artery pon salah..hahahahhahaa....then die tanye la when u did ur anatomy?hahahhaha...kiteorg cakap 4 yrs...pastu die cakap die lagi lame bwat anatomy tapi die tahu..hahaha..confirm la kamu tahu..kamu itu dah reg ke specialist registrar dah dalam ent..confirm la tau..xtau mmg naye jer la..hehehe..then i pon xnak nampak bodoh cakap la maxillary artery..pastu die cakap
"well, you can get half mark for that but thats not the answer..its the branch of maxillary artery"
pastu last2 sebab kiteorg dah clueless die pon kasi la jawapan..hahaha..sangat choyyyy...naseb baek xde org tahu..ngeh2..owh the funny prt was when die cakap maxillary artery datang dr mane dengan confidentnye breda cakap subclavian artery..hahahaha..saye dah jawab dah external carotid artery tapi sebab suara breda lagi kuat so die tengok breda la..then die gelak kuat n sinis jer..hehe.pastu betol la external carotid artery..ngeh2..lalalalala....ok bosan...
seriously xde mood..sebab semalam ade org tengah2 chat n tibe2 ilang n xkembali2 dah lepas tu..ilang tah ke mane..bermacam alasan diberi..mule2 nak tdo sebab xnak tdo lambat tapi lepas tu ilang ke mane lepak2..and i received his sms at 145am..confirm tdo lambat..huhu...pastu xde mood sebab terasa didiskriminasi...mood kembali ok lepas makan nasi ngan beef stir fry cam agak best kat cafe tadi..(halal yer..saye x katok..)...pastu xde mood sebab kene siapkan presentation..pastu xder mood sebab haish..banyak la sebab..bosannyeeeeeeeeeee...
weekend come faster plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
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