Wednesday, January 16, 2008


owh kesungguhan kemengantokkan la malam ni..i went to the lectures today and fortunately(sebab kalau pegi die x amik attendance rugi r...hahahaha..dalam lectures bukannye bleh fokus sangat kot..hahahahah..) they took the attendances today so naseb baek pegi..ngeh2..but i dont knw whether they took the attendances for the last 2 lectures or not cuz i ddnt go to both of the lectures..malas ok!!n plus dah x larat dah...huhu...i had a full-meal lunch today and it was quite good; roasted beef n chips + coffee and it cost me 4.75euro..ngeh2..bankrap kejap..hehe..tapi puas hati la...owh dont worry..its halal..hehehe.. CUH ade halal menu everyday cuz drs banyak gak muslim

anyways my dad is still in the hospital but my mum said that he is getting better but i havent spoke to him yet..he was sleeping everytime i called him n xnak la kacau..nanti makin sakit lak..biar die rest betol2..die keje kuat sangat lagipon.he works for 16hrs everday ok!!sangat teruk ok!everyday he goes to work at 630am cuz the journey from kota bharu to rantau panjang takes him about more than 40minutes..then he works up to 6pm..then kul 6 he drives again to kbmall to look after our shop in kbmall and our shop in kbmall close at 1030pm imagine la kan betapa teruknye die naseb baek x bukak kat tesco kb tu..kalau x, lagi pening la die nak jaga kedai..banyak je offer from dealer2 die suruh bukak kedai kat pahang n terengganu but die cakap xlarat...confirm la..sebab even kite pecaye kat org tu pon kadang2 kene jaga gak cuz kadang2 org yg kite pecaye tu la yang stab us gile bab punyer...hoho..(frm my own experiences)=(

owh pastu tadi aju's grup pegi attack med school ngan pisau parang sume..hahaha..xdela..diorg pegi complaint about the r...kesian r diorg if diorg kene start epid awal..but papepon skang jadual die tarik balik from our blackboard n thus kiteorg cam x confirm lagi grup n jadual semalam..ngok ngek betol la medschool ni..hahaha..ngeh2...

OWH ya!!!i met a doctor that has quite bad communication skills with patients today..sangat la unpolite..ok polite la gak cam greet the patient tapi die biarkan patient tertanya2 ape diagnosis, ape mende..die cam explain kat ptient sangat sket n diam je..pastu bwat taktau kat patient sampai patient look at me and macam tunjuk muka nak tau ape mende..but of course i dont knw anything about opthalmology!!!yang basic2 tahu la but nuclear sclerotic cataract?what the???hahahaha..:P.. lalalal..tapi die suruh i tengok a few mende la gune mende tu(xtau ape name machine..bukan funduscopy la)...pastu i tgk tapi die xdenye nak explain panjang2..i asked quite a lot of questions but jawapan die sangat la x helpful?pastu lepas jumpe satu budak ni n budak tu x dgr kata n i dont think we should blame on that kid pon..mmg dh banyak kali sangat die kene examine sebab quite teruk die punyer injury n kene examine ngan 2 diff doctors mende same..confirm die bosan..pastu doktor tu cam merajuk n die cam tolak machine tu sket n cakap ok thats it..u can come back again in 3 months time..what the???parents budak tu just tengok je muke diorg sesame sendiri..huhu..mmg la budak tu susah..tapi name pon a child??n budak tu pon coming with traumatic injury on his left eye complicates by cellulitis n mmg la susah..adeh2..lepas tu dr tu maybe merajuk ke ape die tinggalkan me alone about half an hour?saye xbersalah?tunggu punye tunggu punyer tunggu bulan x timbul2(dialog pramlee dalam cite seniman bujang lapuk)..haha...tunggu punye tunggu die x muncul2, muncul si fatim n milah n diorg nak bwat fundoscopy ape lagi keluar la frm consultation room tu..maybe pakcik tu g membuang air besar n constipated kot..tu yang 30mins x datang2..hahahaha..last2 pegi bwat funduscopy n ok la dapat jumpe a few words but i think i have ambylopia on my left eye..ngeh2..pastu betapa cacatnye saye, saye xleh kenyit mata sebelah kanan..hahah..belah kiri boleh tdi msa nak bwat fundoscopy mintak milah tolong tutupkan..ahakakkakakaka

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