Tuesday, December 11, 2007


" On Thursday 13th December, 2007 Dr. Finbarr O'Leary Consultant Child Psychiatrist will lecture from 1-2 p.m. in the Main Lecture Theatre, CUH."

okies..ini sangatlah mati!!!!!we have lectures from 1pm till 7pm on that day NON-STOP!!!Confirm kene semayang curik2 n cepat2 sebab xde gap!
1-2 paeds, 2-3 therapeutics, 3-4 medicine, 4-5 psych, 5-6 medicine, 6-7pm therapeutics.. confirm pengsan this thurs..confirm !!!!owh sangat kesian kat my brain for ths coming thursday...mesti die penatt...keciannye..hehehe..:p (saye tak paranoid!!hahaha) owh pastu kene jaga air semayang sebab confirm susah nak amik air semayang when masa xcukup...ngeh2..abis la kene tahan kent kent..hahahhaha...lalalla..

owhh ths week gonna b a very hectic week..have to meet DR HC for my final yr project in NCRI which i dont know exactly where it is...have to go to Ravenscott for outpatient clinic, have to go to dental school for my teeth...adeh2...penuh2..tapi xpe..friday ni will make my day brighter than usual...hehe..friday!!come faster!hehe..
n on the 26th, im gonna meet my bestfriend, SALLY!hehe..aini sila jangan jeles..hehe..ecah balik msia so xleh jumpe ecah..ala aini dtg la uk!!!!!!aku p jumpe ko kat sane..dtg ireland lagi best!heheh..wah xsabarnyeee...
owh..malam ni sangat rs nak clubbing...aju jom!!milah jom!!!..hahaha..opss..clubbing kiteorg bukannye g club sume..hehehe..clubbing kiteorg adalah makan keropok n tea...hahahhaha...best2..hehe..enjoy2..hehe..pastu gossip2...tapi aju ckp tu sounds more like mapley..hahaha...ye ke?hehehe


n Z r A said...

erm...tunggu ah another 5 years (or should i say 3 yrs?) bleh la i treat u for free.
ktorang dental student dpt free treatment korg ade ke?
hahaha *laarriiiiiiikkkk*

Witty Angel said...

hahhaha....xle free gak kat sini..cest betol..mahallll sangat laaaa dental tx kat sini!!!