Sunday, December 2, 2007

smoking conversation

X : U nak bwat project sal quit smoking?ha kalau camtu can i ask u a question?

Me : Sure..ape die?

X : U tau kan i smoking. So ape u bleh suggest kat i cam vitamin ke supplement ke for my health.i takut gak nanti hati i hitam

Me : Bukan hati..lung laa...ur paru2...tapi senang je..the answer is quit smoking.

X : Ala u ni.tu x membantu.i nak vitamins ke supplements ke yg bleh bwat i healthy.U tau la kan pasni i grad frm ths school i keje i kene stay healthy..if not i takleh jadi pilot.

Me : Seriously..thats the only answer..quit smoking..if u still smoking, u amik la supplement ape pon it will still kill u..gradually la..

X : Yelah..ive tried...a few times already but takleh..paling lame pon 3 days...

Me : Aha u takleh la stop smoking sudden camtu..nanti siap ade withdrawal effect sume..u kene gradually la reduce ur cigarettes per day and jarakkan frequency if u usually amik 2 times a day, make it once per day...ok?

X : Aha..ok..but not i tengah tension with my school..

Me : Up to u...but u should give it a try..slowly la and gradually la...

X : ok2..ill try..thanks.

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