Saturday, December 8, 2007

owh kelantan banjir

woke up at 11am today..nak sambung tdo lagi but rs melampau cuz semalam tdo awal.hahahha..LOL...tapi best gile tdooo...hehe...malam tadi hujan with temperature yg best utk tdo..ngeh2...owh called my mum after recieved her text msg..i sent her my pimples' pictures and she's worried about it as well..yelah dulu kulit ok je skang dh ade anasir2 luar..huhu..she told me to try to use clinique or to go and meet a doctor..i went to see a doctor twice already about my skin n they werent helpful at baek la saye self-diagnose sendiri..owh anyway my mum tadi tengah penat cuz diorg ngan pindahkan barang2 dlm kedai to the stor dad sewa stor kat kbmall n pindahkan brg from kedai basement floor to 1st floor..yelah kelantan dh banjir!!huhu..tesco yg baru dibina itu sudah dikelilingi air..kedai nasi sup tok ayah pon sudah dinaiki air..isk2..teruk2...anyway sape2 yg rs marah kat saye bcoz of my prev entry click sini n bace n judge it urself la kan..
owh ari ni kene bwat keje...sila bwat week am going to uk n spain so kene bwat keje...n next week gak i have to go and meet Dr Harry Comber for my final year project...pray for me k?malas dh nak fikir ni..ngeh2...owh my sis dh kat kl..hehe..gudluck jojah for the trip..she is going to indonesia with my grandma n kerabat gudluck ek sis..hahaha..dah la sume org veteran yg pegi...hehe..:P...


Anonymous said...

salam perkenalan

kesian tgk org niaga bila banjir kt kb. minta2 laa jgn jadi mcm 2004

Witty Angel said...

hi..salam..yeap tu la..bisnes pon x jalan...huhu