Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I am so pissed off…How can someone be so insensitive?isk2…I have a very bad headache today which might due to drizzles or post-menstrual syndrome.. I took a nap after my dinner and before I slept I did sumting to ensure that when I wake up I can do ‘thing’ that I wanna do..but to my surprise, when I woke up I cant do thing that I wanna do due to excessively high hormone of insensitivity of sum1…haish..she really annoyed me..huhu..umiii saye nak balik pleaseee..saye x suke tinggal kat sini….xbesttt pleaseeee…pagi tadi pon same..saye selalu tunggu die b4 saye pegi selambat mane pon die tapi isk2…xpe2…

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