Saturday, December 8, 2007


Today is kamal’s happy birthday ahmad kamal ahmad suhaimi..may Allah grant u happiness and prosperity and iman as well...shaq have made a blog just for his bday so check this out:
Kamal's suprise

Thanks shaq for being such a nice friend to him..=)…I never thought of this cool idea…hehe..u r brilliant shaq!..owh papepon I just talked to him for 5 mins last nite and today kejap2 cuz xtau nak beli ape kat town n sampai skarang I haven’t talk to him..sangat bz…hot stuff kat Cardiff la katekan..ngeh2..meninggalkan gf die yg keseorang…(ngeh2..i knw he wont b reading my blog but nak cakap gak)…plus quite upset cuz he doesn’t even know that I have epidemiology presentation today..huhu..=(.. takpe2..hari ni hari awak..ngeh2…

Sebut pasal epi , ari ni sangat choy!!!!i thought my epi’s presentation will only b started at 130pm cuz nik told me so and guess what?i called tiffanie at 1.02pm asking her at what time should we meet up and tampal those posters, and she said at 1pm!!gile ape..tengah pakai kain semayang terus bukak kain semayang, amik jaket(n I think it was my hanger outside my apartment tapi xsure so xnak amik la..ehhe..i saw it when I was on my way back petang tadi..haha..kalut gile)..papepon, amik jaket pakai kasut dlm lift n berlari pegi Brookfield and guess what?5minit je beb sampai Brookfield!!!!gile x?yang usually kalau jalan 15mins..ngeh2..mane xnye lari gile bapak punye..sampai2 tercungap2 sampai Siobhan tanye, “u ok?”..hehe..kantoi..naseb baek my grup wasn’t the 1st grup doing the sempat la nk cool down sket…tapi ours was the 2nd grup..hehe..tried to answer as many questions as I can but kasi chance kat org len gak la..hehe..but td yg bnyk ckp chris, Karen n me..shiobhan ade cakap gak sal die penah ade rashes and immediately brought to the hospital by her parents mase kecik2 tadi ckp mmg x clear sangat sebab ngah cungap kan..ngeh2…moral of the story :confirm ngan ramai org dulu kul brape start..hehehe..:P

owh pastu ari ni my consultant sangat macam bz n mule2 dh sedey dh asal la die x tegur even nampak pon..last week punye la baek bwatkan coffee utk student sume kan..pastu die was a chaotic morning..lame lepas abis patient n lepas die cam agak nak marah ngan nurse sebab ade french ldy ni ilang sedangkan die punye translator dh sampai barulah die cakap2 ngan diriku yg keseorangan sebab milah x dtg...huhu...die suh bwat mini mental state xm ngan patient yg ade chronic alcoholic ni..tapi macik ni sangat mantap..haaaa n dr tariq yang hampeh tu sound diriku ini sekali lagi..tah pape je..saje la tu jeles..xpon die x puas hati sebab die kene sound ngan patient..die lagi terukk..siap parents of the patient wrote a complaint letter about him..i knw i cant use visitor's room to interview patient if ade org tapi tadi xde org kot????hello??xnampakkah?padahal die bengang sebab die xleh minum coffee sambil bace newspaper n sambil kaki bersilang kat bilik tu...boleh blah..hahhaha..dh la berlagak hensem kalau hensem macam dr peter tu xpe gak...hahaha..xpon cam nurse yg poyoitu..owh nurse lelaki itu sungguh kacak sekali tapi sayangnya die cam poyo sket cuz we think he knw that he's hell a good looking nurse..ngeh2..ok2..pasni ade lagi la entry kalau bosan..hehe..:P..(owh saye masak laksa penang n ari ni n sekali masak abis terus???makan sorang??what the ****??????

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