Monday, December 31, 2007


Sally dah balik london ari ni..kene ckp goodbye kat die tadi.…sedih..we woke up at 12pm eventho kene kejut kul 8am lagi.sume pon malas nak bangun..lepas bangun terus pegi kitchen n masak mee goreng and we had mee goreng as our brunch today..kul 130pm kamal brought us to student union and we waited for a mega bus to come..lepas saying goodbye to sally farouk drove us to Bangladesh centre in riverside to meet dato pa kat sana..i was intended to go and talked to him about the stupid mara thing but xsempat..ramai gile org nak cakap ngan die and plus things that I wanted to talk to him is about cork so not really inappropriate la..lagipon waktu we arrived in that place sume org pon dh nak balik dah..ngeh2..biasa la dato n datin kan..haha..:p..lalala..=)

Pastu pegi shopping kat Cardiff city centre lagi n bought a new pair of boots for 12pounds..murah gak la..ngeh2..pastu beli miller’s cookies n makan cookies sambil gile nak mati punyer cookies tu..=)..best2..pastu pegi debehams..i was thinking of buying a compact powder tapi kamal cakap takyah cuz die ckp my skin xyah pakai bedak pon xper plus I selalu allergic ngan bedak2 ni..huhu…so xjadi beli pastu carik winter coat pon xder best so last2 pegi Sainsbury beli groceries…carik MNG kat sini tapi xder..marah betol..rugi tol x beli one handbag ni kat mng Barcelona..murah gile n smart gile lak tu..tapi xper cuz kamal has bought me a new handbag kat house of fraser..lawa gak handbag tu..kathy punyer brand..designer handbag…=)handbag tu 80pounds plus n ade 30% discount tapi cashier tu a bit stupid and die tekan 50% so dapat 41pounds..pastu jahat xnak pegi betolkan n cepat2 keluar from that shop..lalalala..keluar tanduk atas kepala..hehe..:P

Owh anyway ade satu cite best..we went to satu tempat ni..yang pegi were shaq, kamal, me, sally, chong, hedzril and nadia..tempat tu ade 3 rooms and 1 restaurant…so 1st kiteorg lepak kat satu room tu pastu bosan kiteorg g another room and lepas bosan kiteorg rest la..n kamal seperti biasa diapit dengan 2 orang dayang, me n mane2 pegi saja diapit pastu kalau sorang nak g toilet kamal akan g teman or kalau nak g beli air kamal akan g teman..hehe..pastu masa rest ni me, sally n kamal lepak la together2 sebab si hezril, nadia, chong n shaq kat tempat lain..pastu ade one guy ni comel gak, attire die smart gak n muke die cute tau but he seemed a bit lonely and dating kat sally ajak sally teman die..sally cakap la die xnak die penat..pastu lepas tolak elok2 n omputih ni kan gentleman sket so die blah la dengan baek n senyuman..=)..pastu kiteorg pon sambung lagi sampai la sume org kehausan n kiteorg pon pegi la kat restaurant nie…best r tempat chill out dalam restaurant tu and to our surprised, mamat tu dating n asked kamal..

“Hi man. Where are your LADIES?”

“Here.In front of u”(while pointing his hand towards as usual dok sebelah sally la kan..we r girlfriends kan..hehe)

pastu kamal cakap la..she’s already with her cuz after his 1st attempt kiteorg dh plan dah kamal is sally’s boyfriend..yelah bahaya la kan

pastu shaq nak gak cover and shaq didn’t know our plan pastu shaq pegi kat mamat tu n cakap

“im sorry dude. She’s with me”.

Hehe pastu mamat tu comel gile sambil usap kepala shaq n cakap its ok..pastu mamat tu try ajak sally lagi sekali but sally xnak la..pastu mamat tu pon pegi dengan senyuman die..hehe..abis la citenye…kesimpulannya shaq best sebab protective tapi gaya die kelaka la time tu..hehe..maybe u wont understand when u read ths entry tapi if sape2 kenal kiteorg mmg gelak gak la.hehe..=)ill post our pictures later..


Anonymous said...

aaarghhh malu nyer!!! hahahhahaha. tapi kelakar ah gak huahahaha

Anonymous said...

alamakk kantoiii ngumpat..hehe..:P
sori shaq!