Monday, December 31, 2007


owh saya xnak balik cork boleh x?saye x sentuh langsung keje2 yg saye kene buat-final yr project, dissertation, study etc...langsung..mende2 yg related tu sume mende tu stil in my bag yg dh terkoyak luggage yg hampeh cuz koyak n buat i beli luggage baru...adeh xnak balik cork thinking of changing my ticket tapi xsure la..class start 2nd n im planning of going back to cork on 7th..tapi dato nazri nak dtg n kesian kat aju lak plus takut gak kene fill gp punyer form ke ape ke so macam kene pegi kelas jugak..tapi serius x sure la nak balik cork ke x..waaaa xnakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..corkk xbestttt....langsung x happening..kat sini best gile ok!malam2 we lepak together borak2 main cards, poker, gitar, movies etc..ramai2..minimum everyday lepak2 5 people...tu min but average 9 people gileee..tdo pon kul 3,4am gileee!!!!!at least takde la macam stuck kat dalam bilik dok sorang2 je...sally told me a story about her place..die cite la ade sorang budak ni meninggal dalam bilik sorang2 n mayat die jumpe after few days after cleaner smelled sumting busuk coming from his room..die meninggal sebab diabetes tapi meninggal sorang2..kesian tau..tu la impact if dok sorang2 la cuz org xtau kan ape jadi kat u kan...tapi cork biasa la ignorance sket..ngeh2..or adekah saya yg makin sosial?hehe..mungkin juge..ade je aktiviti sosial kat cork-usrah tapi i x join..haha..lalala..malas..=)tapi rasenye pasni macam akan pegi more frequent je cardiff..suke la lepak2 ngan diorg..hehe..mat pie ngan otak kuning n lawak comolot die, salad ngan suara die, farouk ngan kecomelan die, shaq ngan senyum simpulnye, mun ngan gelaknya, farah dengan ribenanya, tasha ngan comolot n sume la..eveyrthing about them best sebab diorg happening..xdela judge orang n gile open ok!!!and i rase im being myself here..takdela kene jaga what im going to say and xder la rase pretentious..huhu...=(


Sally dah balik london ari ni..kene ckp goodbye kat die tadi.…sedih..we woke up at 12pm eventho kene kejut kul 8am lagi.sume pon malas nak bangun..lepas bangun terus pegi kitchen n masak mee goreng and we had mee goreng as our brunch today..kul 130pm kamal brought us to student union and we waited for a mega bus to come..lepas saying goodbye to sally farouk drove us to Bangladesh centre in riverside to meet dato pa kat sana..i was intended to go and talked to him about the stupid mara thing but xsempat..ramai gile org nak cakap ngan die and plus things that I wanted to talk to him is about cork so not really inappropriate la..lagipon waktu we arrived in that place sume org pon dh nak balik dah..ngeh2..biasa la dato n datin kan..haha..:p..lalala..=)

Pastu pegi shopping kat Cardiff city centre lagi n bought a new pair of boots for 12pounds..murah gak la..ngeh2..pastu beli miller’s cookies n makan cookies sambil gile nak mati punyer cookies tu..=)..best2..pastu pegi debehams..i was thinking of buying a compact powder tapi kamal cakap takyah cuz die ckp my skin xyah pakai bedak pon xper plus I selalu allergic ngan bedak2 ni..huhu…so xjadi beli pastu carik winter coat pon xder best so last2 pegi Sainsbury beli groceries…carik MNG kat sini tapi xder..marah betol..rugi tol x beli one handbag ni kat mng Barcelona..murah gile n smart gile lak tu..tapi xper cuz kamal has bought me a new handbag kat house of fraser..lawa gak handbag tu..kathy punyer brand..designer handbag…=)handbag tu 80pounds plus n ade 30% discount tapi cashier tu a bit stupid and die tekan 50% so dapat 41pounds..pastu jahat xnak pegi betolkan n cepat2 keluar from that shop..lalalala..keluar tanduk atas kepala..hehe..:P

Owh anyway ade satu cite best..we went to satu tempat ni..yang pegi were shaq, kamal, me, sally, chong, hedzril and nadia..tempat tu ade 3 rooms and 1 restaurant…so 1st kiteorg lepak kat satu room tu pastu bosan kiteorg g another room and lepas bosan kiteorg rest la..n kamal seperti biasa diapit dengan 2 orang dayang, me n mane2 pegi saja diapit pastu kalau sorang nak g toilet kamal akan g teman or kalau nak g beli air kamal akan g teman..hehe..pastu masa rest ni me, sally n kamal lepak la together2 sebab si hezril, nadia, chong n shaq kat tempat lain..pastu ade one guy ni comel gak, attire die smart gak n muke die cute tau but he seemed a bit lonely and dating kat sally ajak sally teman die..sally cakap la die xnak die penat..pastu lepas tolak elok2 n omputih ni kan gentleman sket so die blah la dengan baek n senyuman..=)..pastu kiteorg pon sambung lagi sampai la sume org kehausan n kiteorg pon pegi la kat restaurant nie…best r tempat chill out dalam restaurant tu and to our surprised, mamat tu dating n asked kamal..

“Hi man. Where are your LADIES?”

“Here.In front of u”(while pointing his hand towards as usual dok sebelah sally la kan..we r girlfriends kan..hehe)

pastu kamal cakap la..she’s already with her cuz after his 1st attempt kiteorg dh plan dah kamal is sally’s boyfriend..yelah bahaya la kan

pastu shaq nak gak cover and shaq didn’t know our plan pastu shaq pegi kat mamat tu n cakap

“im sorry dude. She’s with me”.

Hehe pastu mamat tu comel gile sambil usap kepala shaq n cakap its ok..pastu mamat tu try ajak sally lagi sekali but sally xnak la..pastu mamat tu pon pegi dengan senyuman die..hehe..abis la citenye…kesimpulannya shaq best sebab protective tapi gaya die kelaka la time tu..hehe..maybe u wont understand when u read ths entry tapi if sape2 kenal kiteorg mmg gelak gak la.hehe..=)ill post our pictures later..

christmas party at iman's

depan sekali : mat pie n enchik kamal
2nd depan : post grad, nik, farouk, tasha, aida, me, iman n hedzril
3rd row : Dr.Mie(neurologist), ezairi ( medic stud from romania), din, yana, kak mary, afzan, lupe name n salad
last row : shaq n nadia

venue : kak mary's hse..
food : western food- turkey, grilled salmon, carrot ape tah, sparkle blackcurrent n paling best chocolate dip!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

gile best cardiff!!!best gile cardiff..hehehe..lalala...semalam lepak2 kat hedzril's, makan2 n!!!best cuz banyak main cards...1st main poker n kamal mmg hebat gile r and mmg mantap la pastu diorg menari salsa cuz mun's friend from france dtg join kiteorg n he taught us how to menari salsa..hehe..i x join cuz mmg xreti..hahaha..tapi menarik la...comel je...after that we played hijack, toyol, mafia, chotaiti n ape tah lagi..tapi mafia best gak teringat zaman secondary school dulu..selalu gak main mafia ni tapi bukan name mafia game tu dulu killer..hehehe..:P..main toyol pon best..i got L-E sebab lampi..haha...toyol ni sape kalah each round dapat one letter..kiteorg amik word sape kalah each round dapat satu huruf sampai la dapat lembu..nadia kalah in this game so die dapat lembu..hehe..hijack lak die kene org yg coordination sangat mantap la..hehe..:p
actually skang im waiting for shaq to bersiap2..we have an invitation to iman's hse..iman punyer kakak masakkan lunch untuk kiteorg..(people keep on saying that kak mary, kakak iman masak gile best n the bestt la)...pastu confirm la lepas masak lepak2..hehe...actually we should b there at 1pm tapi sume org pon br bangun confirm la lambat diorg sms ckp nak pegi kul 230..lalala..gile melayu?hehe..:p
esok sally dtg n esok boxing day start!!im going to house of fraser and nak beli handbag yg best!!usha ade satu dkny ni lawa gile harga die 185pounds tapi x discount lagi la..hopefully ade discount esok kalau half price confirm punyer boxing day 27 start kul 5am so xleh tdo malam 27tu..hahahahha....nak beli winter coat baru ni...hahaha...best2...
owh ive got one bad news..kamal's dad called him yesterday and cakap he got a letter from jpa..a warning letter suruh die balik after abis belaja...waaa..sedihhhhh..nanti kamal balik sape nak jaga saye next yr??waaa..dah la final year...sob..sob..sedih..=(..kamal has got a job offer from boots pharmacy and die dh accept tapi jpa ni la xkasi kamal stay..kamal ade contract 6years ngan jpa..waaaaa...xnakkkk kasi kamal balik..the only way to make sure kamal stay kat sini is to get married with him tapi cam xder duit sume camne nak kawen?tapi kalau kamal balik ok least die boleh stabilkan his job kat malaysia, beli kete siap2 n usha umah sume...ok jugak la kalau die dh balik msia tapi nanti kene pisah ngan kamal with time difference lak tu..susah gilee...nanti kalau ade nurse yg gatal2 kat malaysia camne?tapi xper kamal xrisau sangat..die ckp die nak spend masa ngan family xper n kamal mmg boleh dipercayai 100%..hehe..=)

Monday, December 24, 2007


Im still in cardiff, wales n enjoying each and every second of my is 24th december n tonite we'll be having our 'christmas dinner' at hedzril' dinner la sangatkan?hehe..i dont think we'll be having a turkey or any of the christmas meals but one think for sure is that we r going to have real fun tonite!!yeayyy!!initially, they want to book a turkey from one of the halal restaurant tapi somehow x jadi...tapi rsnye ari ni makan seafood..nyum2...hehe..=)...
last nite kamal cooked ayam berempah goreng withh sayur paprik and it was so delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kamal's cooking skill has improved since the last time i met him!he is a great cook skang!!!!!!!!!last time he cooked ayam rendang and it was speechless..sedap gile n satu cardiff ni tahu kesedapan ayam rendang kamal..opss nak g boots n shopping food stuff dulu..esok kedai sume tutup so nanti kelaparan lak esok..hehe..adios!

pics again

.::Mun. Matpi, scoobie doo and the mufflers::.

.::FC Barcelona::.

.::awww..PR ronaldinho::.

.::berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah..hehe::.

.::in the cable car::.

.::9 of us::.

.::kamal, mun n me::.

.::sagrada da familia under construction..siap 2025 tu..lambat gile lagi!!::.

.::sagrada da familia::.

.::me n salad::.

.::Me, Kamal, Tasha, Ina, Mun n Farouk::.

.::Us, without salad with pakcik n makcik japanese yg comel::.

.::us in montserratt::.

.::our refrigerator in our apartment..superb kan?::.

.::shopping sakan in carrefour::.

.::cabbage yg pelik::.

.::behind me is people playing music sambil tergantung..gayat gile tengok::.

.::us again::.

.::while waiting for the train::.

.::ina, din, tasha, mun, matpi, salad and me::.

.::me, mun, ina, tasha n matpi::.

.::us n sweet japanese couple...comel diorg ni::.

.::Farouk, salad, ina n me::.

.::tasha, me, ina, din, mun, salad n matp::.

.::steep gileee::. front of the sex shop::.


.::Candid..ngah solat kt monsarat::.

.::Tasha, Mun, Me and Ina::.

.::Cable car yg tinggi bapaknye n steep gile::.

.::Me n Ina::.

.::Farouk, Mat Pie, Mun, Me, Din n Ina::.

.::Tangga bergerak::.

.::kene makan ngan shark::.

.::sume nak terberak..ahakz::.

.::Kamal zaman dulu2 waktu zaman ngorat2::.

.::me, myself n i::.

.::market yg banyak bab*...hehe..macik belakang pon posing juge::.

.::market yg banyak bab*::.

.::Kamal and Aina::.

.::barcelona stadium::.

.::Mun, me n Ina::.

.::having breakfast in our apartment..(kamal n din br bgn)::.

.::again, tangga bergerak::.

A view from our apartment

Sunday, December 23, 2007


yeayy..balik cardiff sudah..hehe..we arrieved safely last night around 12am..pastu order nasi beriyani kat hambala extra hot and it was super duper delicious!!!i really like it!!..hhehe..last night was the last nite ina in uk and we should go to ina's hse lepak with her b4 she board a bus to london heathrow tapi sume org pon penat so x pegi..ina was my room mate in Barcelona for 5 days..die sangat best...sempoi je..hehe and suke bwat org gelak unintentionnally when die cakap..hehe..she has the same special ability with me...hehe..die punye special ability kat huruf r and i kat huruf V..heheh..lalala...anyway our trip to barcelona was AWESOME..hehe...
our 1st nite in barcelona teruk jugak la..awal2 sampai dh kene tipu ngan cab yg hampeh..kiteorg sampai kat bus station n nak g kat our aprtment yg xsampai berape km pon kene 21euro for each cab..kalau tengok meter tu patutnye 6euro something je but driver tuh bwta ape tah tekan2 keluar 21 euro?teruk x?sume cab pon kene same..i tried to argue with him but die ckp spanish susah aaa...pastu sume org pon kene la bayar..huhu...hampeh tol..dekat gilee ok!!sangat dekat...pastu mun cite die penah kene pow ngan cab kat kl nk g times square frm mane tah yg kalau merangkak pon sampai tapi die kene rm50..haha..:p..bosan tol..
anyway malam tu sume pon penat cuz sampai kul 1am..lepas sampai lepak2 kejap then tdo..then esok tu kiteorg jalan2 kat la rambla...happening gak la area x as cold as uk/ire..rasenye cam 10degrees je but dh bawak jaket tebal so pakai je la..then kietorg makan kat mc d..makan mcfish..diorg mmg english tarak langsung la..sume spanish..susah nak communicate..tapi 1st day abis ngan jalan2..shopping2..i almost bought a handbag in mango for 20euro(murah gile kan)..tapi xjadi..hehe..malam tu pon lepak2 je keluar sebab dinner je...dinner pon makan kebab je..tapi leps tu shopping food for breakfast, mineral water(cuz air kat spain smell teruk sket even die ckp leh minum directly from tap water)...banyak gile kiteorg beli tp murah gile..4.50euro for each person for 4days punye bfst...ok la kan?kiteorg beli sardin, tomato puree, telur, coffee, sugar, butter, cheese, mineral water n ape tah lagi...pastu esoknye tu kiteorg bwat bfast makan roti sume n pegi mon sarat..naik cable car..hehe..mule2 ade 2 org nak naikk train cuz gayat tapi sebab 'comolot' punyer pasal sorang tu berjaya dipujuk n sorang lagi tuh sebab gf die pujuk la kan..hehehe..comolot=cium mulut..hahaha...sorang tu ckp die nak pengsan so die nak comolot masa cpr..hahahhaa..tah pape je tapi mon sarat sangat is among the 1st inhabitants punye tempat..kiteorg xpegi kat cave tu cuz kene jalan jauh n last cablecar kul 545...takut kene tinggal n sume guys pon dh lapar..hehe..we met japanese couple yg best..they can speak lil malay and they have being to kl..hehe..pacik n macik tu snagat best..sorang pakai topi hijau sorang topi merah n kasut hijau..comel sangat..kiteorg lak bising gile..siap main pepsi cola lagi, amik gmbr yg 18sx, borak2 kuat gile n la..enjoy gile..lompat2..lalala..
pastu malam tu pegi lepak hard rock n makan nasi beriyani...masa kat tempat nasi beriyani tu we met a group of malaysians..(xkan melayu ilang di dunia..dimana2 saje jumpe melayu..hehe)..budak malaysians tu br lepas abis makan kat kedai nasi beriyani tu..halal punye..then salah sorang frm them cakap masuk2, makan2, halal2...hehe..then mat p cakap..ala kiteorg xpe halal ke x..kiteorg katok...hahaha hampeh je..bwat malu..kiteorg x katok la..kalau dh katok dh lame makan kfc..hehe...(katok is pecaye yg ayam tu disembelih oleh ahli kitab even bukan islam pon)..kiteorg x la sampai tahap katok lagi..ade tempat halal kan..
hehe..then malam tu after balik from hard rock cafe kiteorg melepak2 kat bilik kamal, salad n din..borak2 n discuss ape tempat nak pegi sambil makan doghitos and minum coffee...=)owh b4 lepak2 tu kiteorg cam ade scene kelaka la..kiteprg sume, kamal, ina, salad, tasha, mun, din, farouk n mat p...after pegi hard rock n dgr org main muzik tergantung kiteorg separate..some pegi cyber cafe, ade yg g shopping n etc..then i, matpi, ina, kamal n tasha balik same2...kiteorg p cari ice cream kat mc d sbab kedai sume dh tutup..pastu kiteorg ingat kiteorg balik kiteorg lepak la kejap borak2 when dgr suara macam salad yg sangat dalam n kiteorg ingt salad belum balik so kiteorg pon ignore je la..maybe perasaan je..then kiteorg dgr suara salad lagi..confused, kiteorg masuk bilik die nak cari die..pastu dgr suara salad lagi so kiteorg try cari la kt bilik tu..then tetibe salad pegang kaki tasha..haha kantoi sume pon menyorok bawah katil tp sangat x expect la..hehe..menjerit gak la tasha when salad pegang kaki die..xexpect kan..hehehe..:p..kelaka je..pastu masa diorg lepak2 kat bilik salad sume sebab bday tasha 20hb tu n sume nak tunggu bday tasha, i pegi solat magrib n isyk kat my room dulu..pastu semayang sorang2 kan..ina kat dlm toilet..pastu lepas solat i nak g join diorg kan lepak2 sume kat bilik slaad yg kat depan tu je..then kluar je bilik macam perasan ade sumting putih kat luar biliik...mule2 ingtkan bunga then baru perasan mende tu besar..ape lagi menjerit n terlompat was salad nak menakutkan ina tapi myself lak tertakut..ina lak natural je..hehehe..:p..hampeh tol..
esoknye lak tu kiteorg pegi stadium barcelona, parc guill n ape tah lagi..owh sagrada de familia juge..mule2 nak p olympic stadium tapi sume dh x larat dah..pastu balik lepak kejap rest n nap kejap pastu kul 1030pm keluar balik nak g dnner n nite club(tasha requested nak clubbing on her bday)..i, kamal, matp n salad makan kat kedai nasi beriyani tu lagi skali n the others makan kat spanish punye kedai...then after tu kteorg g nite club..entrance die mahal gile..10euro..tapi kiteprg dapat flyer yg boleh membuatkan kiteorg dapat free masuk club kiteorg masuk la one club ni..jazz club...that time dh kul 12am tapi kiteorg lepak kejap je sebab bosan gileee..xsampai 10mins pon...bosan gile..lagu lak tah hape2..n then lepas tu kiteorg g jalan2 towards the beach..nak lepak2 kat beach la..hehe..sampai kat one bridge ni terkejut gile cuz die punyer bridge cam lepak kat situ..sejuk gile ok!!hehe kiteorg amik gambar banyak2 n lepak2..hehe..we did see sharks!!!!sangat cantek die punye scenery malam itu..then balik umah around 230am pstu lepak2 n tido..
ehehe..last day kat barcelona makan kat subway the n lepak2 beli souvenier n pegi airport..airport die sangat teruk!!!!diorg dh la x reti english pastu bwat hal ngan kiteorg,,boarding time is 630am and we still at the counter check in kat luar kul 630 tu..suck gile ah..tah hape2 tah diorg ni..lepas tu balik la cardiff..hehe gambar nanti upload lain kali sebab memory card ngan din..

Monday, December 17, 2007

sayonara! off to spain for 5days(till 21st Dec)..our initial plain is to go to spain till 24th but sume pon pokai so cut down salahkan jpa cuz jpa xmasukkan duit lg kat dak2 uk..kesian diorg especially encik kamal..=)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

the sad thing is...

ngeh2..rindu cork korok..hehe...gatai..:P..aju daku merinduimu..ting tong..hahaha...bosan..malas nak wat pape..tdo je keje.hehehe..
ive received an email from viclodge yesterday saying that i have an overdue payment for my accomodation..mara xbayar2 lagi..hmm sangat xfaham la en kamis ni.kejap ckp camtu kejap cakap camni..isk2...but hopefully everything ok la..xnak la balik nnti tension2 cuz january nanti i have 3 exams in a week!!!!!
21jan : Hstory of modern arts (seriously i do not understand why i have and i need to take this module?tah pape je.bosan gile lak tu..medschool saje la tu nak duit paper ni contributes 100% to my final kene stadi gak la kan..(i went to art classes for 3 times only and i'd learnt nothing cuz i slept during the lectures..hehe)
25jan : cp exam..meq type questions and will contribute 12% to my final exams...mati
25jan : opthalmo exam(im in the most unfortunate grup in the whole universe..grup len sume dh amik opthalmo..huhu)..opthalmo xm will contribute about 30% to my final..huhu..banyak ok!!

Friday, December 14, 2007


i have increased sensitivity on my right upper teeth..i went to dental school/hospital today and told alice(4th dental student) about that. She checked my teeth and said nothing was wrong with it..i asked her whether it was caused by the amalgam or composite filling that she did last week and she said no. She said nobody ever complained about it before and maybe its due to my psychology. Honestly i think its due to my psychology as well..ngeee..gatal gelenya gelebek geleza yeng.hahahaha...My brain told my teeth to have increased sensitivity in my right upper teeth and my brain told my tongue to have metallic taste as well..ngeh2..therefore, the best thing i can do rite now is try my best to ignore it..hehe..:p..maybe cuz i keep on tasted sumting weird in my mouth so i rase amalgam tu tercabut and thus the pain...huhu..but the pain only there when i drink cold water..maybe jugak sebab sejuk sangat..ah abaikan la..hehe...
in my prev post i wrote sumting about my lectures today..i had 6 lectures back to back today but i didnt go to any of them!! keji one!!sorry malaysians(especially tax payers) apology...actually i did have intention to go psychiatry lectures and all the lectures after that but i'd xpegi la kan...
tomorrow im going to UK!!yay!!i dont think im going to ward round tomorrow..ahaha..abis la attendance mesti sucks gile for psychiatry rotation..dah la ari ni outpatient clinic x p sebab g dental hspital..lalala...abaikan..hehe..:p..ive my things packed already..hehe..penuh beg balik malaysia..macam nak balik msia la kan?hehe..and dh plan dh nak beli ape kat airport..lalala...and i just baked a choc brownies to bring to sum1..u knw who u r..hehe..hopefully it does taste well..hehe..and hopefully dia will like it..hehe..=)(pasni confirm kene try dulu b4 bawak..kalau xsedap tinggal je kat umah..hahaha...)
owh next week i am going to spain!!!!!!!!sape nak ikut?hahahhahaha..jom2..hehe..=)
owh b4 i pen off, tolong doakan semoga banjir di kelantan n negeri2 kat malaysia surut ek?i think my dad kene tutup kedai je both kat rantau panjang n kbmall..kbmall maybe bole bukak kedai kat atas je..dah la skang ade pc fair which my dad organised kat kb mall..if im not mistaken there will be 10booths not sure how many companies take part in that pc fair but i think it wont b really profitable due to banjir..mesti org dok kalut2 pindah barang instead of pegi kbmall shopping barang2 komputer kan?but bak kata my mom, kalau ade rezeki x kemana...hehe..betol x?doakan semoga bisnes my dad ok jugak ye...teringin nak gayut ngan my mum but call card dh abis credit n malas la nak beli cuz dh nak pegi uk kan...huhu...owh!!!!sebut sal computer ni, u knw what?sum1 stole a laptop from my father's shop!!!and yg x bestnye bangladesh punye orang!!!haihhh..marah betol la kan foreigners ni..tengok kat cctv but xleh cam muke cuz he was wearing a cap..but initially he stole 4 laptops from my shop but die terkejut ngan my cousin yg nak g solat kat belakang kedai tu terus cabut lari with one laptop..pastu die siap jatuh lagi but my staff x sempat kejar..guard sume jaga pintu kat kbmall pon xsempat tngkap..heran gak..but he came in a group..4-5 people kot diorg dtg..staff kat kedai atas ade 5 orang kot..xsure 4 tah..yang pasti abang razif, his wife, mokna, huda n rasenye another budak praktikal that i xsempat kenal..bangla tu datang n cakap2 siap pegang tangan staff lagi sebab nak tunjuk baek n distracted my staff kan..n sebab dok layan x perasan one of them masuk bahagian dalam kedai n curik laptop!!damn!!!jahatttt..sangat keji!!sriously i think we, the malaysians should send a petition or sumthing to gvmnt and ask them to reduce the number of foreigners in our country..skang ni dh berlambak sangat dh foreigners kat malaysia yg keje..if study takpe la sebab bleh generate income(sebenarnye nak backing diri sendiri cuz im a foreigner as well in ireland...ngeh2)..but yg keje2 ni...most of the buildings in malaysia indon buat..sebab tu banyak bangunan runtuh la bla bla..bukannye x cukup workers cume melayu malas...sumtimes i think malaysia's gvmnt kene tarik balik hak keistimewaan orang melayu slowly and gradually sebab melayu makin malas..huhu..sorry to say a malay as well and i got the hak keistimewaan tu utk masuk mrsm n dapat ths scholarship but i dont know..maybe terinfluence masa discussion last yr anjuran kelab umno cork yang cakap sal mende ni..yelah sebab if hak keistimewaan ditarik kite akan sedar and bwat effort sket...hmm tp ni hal sensitif so xnak cakap sangat la sebab different person have different opinion kan..walluhalam la..owh papepon crime rates in malaysia increases with the influx of think it by urself..and if u read the newspaper, kes2 samun, rompak n rogol bukannye banyak di buat oleh orang kite..banyak foreigners kan?huhu..sangat keji one of the cases la..banyak lagi case tapi ni the latest la...

Ngeh2..anyway ni choc brownies yg saye buat..ignore kecomotan itu..just focus on the cake itu sahaja..hehe

Thursday, December 13, 2007

oh la la

kinda bz for the past few days..too many things to do and yet so lil i met Dr.HC and he's so niceee..and i think im gonna stick to do my final yr project under epidemiology and public health department...ngee..and he got a very nice hair too!!(nad cakap die pakai straightener)..hahaha... kantoi..anyway today i didnt go to any lectures. I just went to case conference at 1115 and psych tutorial at i have headache(jalan dlm hujan cari di manakah elm court nak g jumpe dr hc..x jauh tapi xpenah sampai kan?xjauh pon kene naik bas la..about 20mins walking from SI hospital..=)..did ask 2 people before i really found the building..ngeh2)...
papepon tadi i bermanja2 ngan aju..hehe..we cooked nasi lemak for us n our hsemates..ngeh2..aju goreng keropok udang giant jugak yg on my 1st impression; "cet keropok giant je..xde kelas langsung"..hehe..but after makan rase cam nak lagi..hahaha..best2..hehe..tq aju..sambal ikan bilis aku masak sungguh sedap ju.hahahahha..:p..lalalala...
owh b4 lupe, nak cakap thanks a million, billion, zillion kat husna yang best for her coffee treat yesterday..thanks husna sayang.hehe..:P..=)sape2 nak belanje saye coffee lagi?xyah starbucks, gloria jeans or o' kat cuh which will only cost u 75sen je pon dh ok..hehe..:P
Owh lupe juge nak cakap..ari ni saya makan free.hhehe..tuna yg agak best, coke, orange juice, still water, prawn ape tah n a few other things lagi for free..ngeeee...actually its only for those who joined the conference/grand round but i curik2 makan..hehe..ikut nik..hehe..:P..masuk ikut pintu depan, keluar ikut pintu belakang..lalalala...bukan xnak p tapi ade psych tutorial..hehe..ok2..nak kene tdo..tadi bgn awal gile nak mati punye yg subuh pon belum masuk lagi(winter subuh masuk lambat la) nak kene tdo..adios!

Sambal Ikan Bilis in the making..hehe..abaikan kecomotan semuanya..hehe..:P

Takde ayam goreng..xde kacang..hehe..nasi lemak yg termampu dibuat sahaja..hehe..keropok tu x nampak best kan?tapi best tau.hehe..

Owh sebelum nasi lemak ini abis ditelan oleh manusia berseluar biru..hahahha..LOL

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Unfortunate Robbers

Excerpt from an article about a bank robbery which appeared in the 'Dublin Times' in May, 1999:


Once inside the bank shortly after midnight, their efforts at disabling the internal security system got underway immediately. The robbers, who expected to find one or two large safes filled with cash and valuables, were surprised to see hundreds of smaller safes scattered throughout the bank. The robbers cracked the first safe's combination, and inside they found only a bowl of vanilla pudding. Asrecorded in the bank's audio-tape system, one said, "At least we'll get a bit to eat."

The robbers opened up a second safe, and it also contained nothing but vanilla pudding. The process continued until all the safes were opened. They found not one pound sterling, an Irish punt, a diamond, or an ounce of gold. Instead, all the safes contained covered bowls of pudding. Disappointed, the robbers made a quiet exit, each leaving with nothing more than a queasy, uncomfortably full stomach.


The newspaper headline read:


i miss him...

i miss him dearly...i miss my lil brother...