Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 9

U know u r tired when:-

1. U go to bed at 830pm hoping that ull wake up at 9pm to study or do something..U WISH!haha..I WISH!!haha.aju dtg kejut bilik pon xsedar kott..hahaha

2. U just dont care about the guiltiness of doing nothing..u just dont have the time to care...all u need is rest...

3. Ur mind cant accept anything that u read or do on that time....

4. Ur eyes cant be opened like usual...macam ade sedikit droopin of eyelids..owh cakap sal eyelids..tadi kesian pija cuz when die nak check my fundus using the fundoscope susah sedikit cuz my eyelids die turun ke bwah instead of melentik..ahhaha..

5. U had 2 cups of coffee and yet u r still sleepy...

6. Ur fingers and ur toes rase sangat sejuk macam ade raynaud's padahal xde pon so all u can do is masuk dalam duvet and let ur reticular activating system deactivate...hahahaha

Day 8 : i need to be nicer to C. He told me twice today that i was mean to him. He asked me to be nicer to him..wahhahaa...lalalla..Today wasnt really bad...well, it was the longest day i had in a week but then its quite productive..Heard 3 heart murmurs, read few xrays n ecgs, attended 6 tutorials and had a good discussion with C, E and O. Owh and i was called "genius anat" by dr.M eventho i forgot 80% of my anatomy sebab ke'eager'an answering the questions at the first place.and lepas tu ditarget la kan..n lepas tu mane la tahuuuuu sangat dah especially branches of arteries kat gastrointestinal system..lupe sal splenic artery branches to give epiploic artery bla bla bla...dh lupe kot sume mende tu..hahaha..

Day 9 : just woke up from 6hrs sleep..i slept at 830pm today and tersedar kejap cuz kelaparan..wahahhaa..:P..nk sambung tdo balik..lalala..nyway thanks...=)


Anonymous said...

hehehe alololo ciannye dye ^-^

13may said...

bangun bangun...hehhe hehhe

a.b geldofg said...

ish2 bngun kerana lapor?...ish2

Wahidah said...

tired yea...what a tiring day yeah..:P

Witty Angel said...

kf : tula..
13may : hehe..dh bgn dh
ab : aha hehe..peruttttt memerlukan sumthing
wahidah : yeap