Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 8

Things that i love about my rotation in South Infirmary Hospital :-
1. My partner!!she's the best!!hahha..suke balik awal and lepak jee!!hehe..and sangat helpful..and kiteorg siap buat study group lagi together..2 org je la...hehe..
2. My groupmates..C, O and E...mmg sangat enjoy..i suke buli C and die suke buli i balik..ngeee..
3. Dr.B. He's the best la!!die punye clinical skills mmg sangat helpful!!rase cam banyak gile belaja ngan die even baru 2weeks..hehe..rase cam "owh now it makes sense" baru la applied ape yang belaja from 1st yr dulu..hehe..
4. My current team.(xsure next week camne lagi tho)...Reg die sangat baek...sangat suke mengajar..SHO die pon baek gak..Intern pon baek gak..mmg suke la..:D
5. Dekat dengan city centre..boleh pergi shopping bile2 masa je..hahaha..

Things that i hate about my rotation in SI:-
1. Kene bangun pagiii...Xlarat okeh!!rekod kene keluar umah 6.55am sebab tunggu bus...
2. Kene tunggu bus dalam ujan/snow(semalam je pon snow.haha)..My coat, shoes and tudung were all soaked wettt from the rain!!!sangat xsukee!!!
3. Tunggu bus yang sangatt la lame..pastu journey die dh la lame..30mins kot baru sampai SI..kalau pagi xpe lagi..petang mmg rs nak termuntah la!!huhu..u knw..from the heater, from the basah hujan and from the longg journeyyy itself..adeh...
4. Cafe die yang sangat kecik!!!xbanyak choices..xde halal food..vegetarian food die x best!!sangat2 x best!!huhu...

Erk ape lagi?tah..hahaha


a.b geldofg said...

tapi bst kan?

Anonymous said...

emm biasalah witty tempat org u dh lame kan kat luar negar kan2.. kf taw u mmg strongs women..witty bolh hehe..

goodluck ok..jgn risau..pelangi sentiasa menantimu ok temanku..

ok bye2 take care.senyum selalu....

Witty Angel said...

ab : erm...hehehe..tah la..

Kf L aha.hhehe.