Tulisan buruk..muahahhaa..:P...abaikan segala mende yg xberkaitan..so kirenye happiness n satisfaction kat msia lagi banyak compare to Ireland. So conclusion???
anonymous : hhaha..nape eh not applicable?sape ade jawapan?hahahaha tania : as a conclusion, balik msia tanam jagung.hahaha... wahidah : hehehe..nanti bley kite jumpe kan wahidah..
lindat : no lah my dear...bukan tu maksud i..maksud i MY knowledge..i xtau sangat sal diseases and system kat msia so knowledge saya hanya 40% compared to ireland yang saye tahu system die, common diseases and management and how it works sume..=)
Oooo..hehe. One of the reason Msia anta student sbb nk suruh bawak balik benda2 yg baik yg kite blaja kat luar negara ni lah. EVERYONE can complain. But can thousands of complain di settlekan without someone who would initiate it? Tak kan? And can A SINGLE person make the change? Well, NOT to change the whole system, but he/she can certainly start something new on her own and then gather other people..even it'll take 100 years, doing something for the benefit of others in the future IS SOMETHING to yourself..and MEANINGFUL to others even tho dorg tak tau..hehe
"chances of jumpe Mr Right -> Not applicable"???
as a conclusion??
balik malaysia :)
yes..aina nk blk mesiaaaaaaaaaa
anonymous : hhaha..nape eh not applicable?sape ade jawapan?hahahaha
tania : as a conclusion, balik msia tanam jagung.hahaha...
wahidah : hehehe..nanti bley kite jumpe kan wahidah..
balik msia ke? konfem ke?
40% je knowledge dpt kalau balik msia? sure kee?? Kalau camtu org kat msia ni dikelilingi doktor2 bodoh je majoritinye?
lindat : no lah my dear...bukan tu maksud i..maksud i MY knowledge..i xtau sangat sal diseases and system kat msia so knowledge saya hanya 40% compared to ireland yang saye tahu system die, common diseases and management and how it works sume..=)
Oooo..hehe. One of the reason Msia anta student sbb nk suruh bawak balik benda2 yg baik yg kite blaja kat luar negara ni lah. EVERYONE can complain. But can thousands of complain di settlekan without someone who would initiate it? Tak kan? And can A SINGLE person make the change? Well, NOT to change the whole system, but he/she can certainly start something new on her own and then gather other people..even it'll take 100 years, doing something for the benefit of others in the future IS SOMETHING to yourself..and MEANINGFUL to others even tho dorg tak tau..hehe
yerp bole jumpa...besh2
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