We had small makan2 at our hse today as a welcoming party for fieha and kaknik...Tapi menu biase2 jer..ehehe..:P
1. Appetizer : Cheese+baked potato+mayonnaise
2. Main Course : Nasi + Ayam Asam pedas + sayur goreng
3. Dessert : Shepherd pie + Triffle + Fruit Cocktail + Marble Choc Cake Nad
4. Drink : Coke + Sprite + Fanta + Tea
So sebab rajin amik gambar tetibe...meh kite tengok resepi cheesy potato ni...not bad la die punyer taste..hehehe

1. Boil potato tu dulu until die dh half masak or 2/3 masak...Pastu taruk butter kat atas potato tu..

2. Taruk tomato yg dh dipotong dice n campur dgn mayonnaise n blackpepper siap2...

3. taruk grated cheese on top of mayonese sume tu..Then taruk dlm oven!!!

4. And taraaa!!!makanan menggemukkan sudah siapp!!hehehe

.::sayur goreng + asam pedas::.

.::Shepherd Pie::.

.::Fruit Cocktail::.
1. Appetizer : Cheese+baked potato+mayonnaise
2. Main Course : Nasi + Ayam Asam pedas + sayur goreng
3. Dessert : Shepherd pie + Triffle + Fruit Cocktail + Marble Choc Cake Nad
4. Drink : Coke + Sprite + Fanta + Tea
So sebab rajin amik gambar tetibe...meh kite tengok resepi cheesy potato ni...not bad la die punyer taste..hehehe

1. Boil potato tu dulu until die dh half masak or 2/3 masak...Pastu taruk butter kat atas potato tu..

2. Taruk tomato yg dh dipotong dice n campur dgn mayonnaise n blackpepper siap2...

3. taruk grated cheese on top of mayonese sume tu..Then taruk dlm oven!!!

4. And taraaa!!!makanan menggemukkan sudah siapp!!hehehe

.::sayur goreng + asam pedas::.

.::Shepherd Pie::.

.::Fruit Cocktail::.
bagus la ko ni aina...
pandai masak!!!!
n makanan ko semua sedap2x.....
ko xpenah rase lagi..
kalau ko rs mesti pengsan..ehehehe
fruit cocktail??? i like it..hehehe
aina baru tau yang makan2 tu utk fieha and kaknik.. terharu sungguh saya.. hehe.. terima kasih for everything.. nanti datanglah newcastle ye.. ajak aina and milah.. take care.. :)
hehee....special utk u tu mila masak..mila main chef ari tu..hehe..i tolong2 jer..hehe
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