Sunday, December 2, 2007


Ngeh2..Do I have morbid jealousy?aka pathological jealousy?nahh..i don’t think so..everyone has some jealousy…everyone must feel that little twinge creeping up on them at some point of I right?yeah..everyone does…either with their siblings, family, friends or their partner we don’t know…but they do have a bit of jealousy at some point in time and im not the I think im a bit over but it doesn’t mean I have that kind of disease..i never thought of murdering my partner or anyone who im jealous with…no way!!i don’t want to spend my time in prison or any mental!..huhu…enuf said!!(ptg tadi terjeles kejap ngan his friend…-u know who u r) lalala..

Anyways, today I have diarrhoea and vomiting…keje masuk toilet n keluar toilet je la ari ni..i woke up at 930am today (quite early for the weekend) and I had my breakfast ready when I woke up..thanks to milah and aju..ahhaa…:p..yoyo jer…actually wawa n iza came to our apartment today and milah & aju cooked sumting for them…ngeh2..i tumpang makan je la..bangun2 terus makan..mantapness..hahaha..:P…lepas tu diorg balik n start la layan so addicted to movies skang…lagha2…

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