Monday, December 3, 2007


The wound grows deeper and deeper and becomes infected somehow..but dont worry..its not can b cured easily with the right amount of antibiotics...=)
Ohoo...what a waste!!!i watched movies all the weekend and didnt study at all..adeh2...should change my lifestyle-start focusing on my studies..ive been so lazy-ass ths yr...wake up aina!wake up!!!!
1. my brain is dying...need to give great drugs to prevent it from dying..haha..ectasy?lalala
2. the short-term memory's pathway in my brain is malfunction currently...ngeh2..i cant create any new pathway and i think the long-term memory's pathway is broken anyone, my apology in advance for forgetting ur bday, ur phone numbers, ur emails etc...
3. my mood is currently unstable(dysthymic to b specific..ngeh2)..
4. poor attention..(definitely not attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder)...i cant pay any attention to the lectures, tutorial or anything academically anymore...i will fall asleep during the tutorials/lectures or worthlessly, i wil b playing games in my pda during lectures...ngeh2..(pretending to read something in pda but the fact is im playing games..ngeh2..penah terkantoi ngan liz..lalala)
5. ive got so many pimples in my face skang ni!!!!!!!!thanks to MARA and thanks to my medschool....

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